What we (think) we know so far…
A not-so-secret government organization that aims to protect “in-humans” (a polite describe “shapeshifting monsters” like vampires, werewolves, etc…) as a means to integrate them into “normal” society.
There are multiple departments ranging from Wellness & Inclusion (responsible for the intake and well-being of in-humans), Reform & Defense (criminal justice and defense against those wanting to eradicate in-humans), Department of Knowledge (includes R&D, technology and The Archives), and Special Forces (don’t even ask.)
The Coalition Against Biologically Abhorent Lifeforms
An underground movement of “pure” humans trying to protect society from monsters / in-humans. They currently have tapped into the encrypted network that is supposed to only be accessible by in-humans called CryptNet in order to expose them and the IHPA. Its leader or leaders are a complete mystery and speak via shady social media posts.
The Cryptid Network (CryptNet)
An encrypted social media internet platform maintained by the IHPA where in-humans can feel free to socialize, post media about their experiences, find a soulmate... everything that pure humans use the rest of the internet for except not open to the public and thus gives a sense of security for in-humans to be themselves.
“Midnight Stan”
Role: CyptNet social media personality
Association: Unknown
Type: Vampire
Bio: Midnight Stan is a ‘recovering’ vampire , as seen in the video “Midnight Stan Vlog #01: No ‘Live Feed’ Challenge“
Played by: David J. Nance
Role: Informant, former cop in the ‘pure’ human police force
Association: Unknown
Type: Vampire
Bio: [REDACTED] started out as just a normal police officer trying to do his best to understand the gap between in-human and human…. until he was caught when a fellow cop saw his fangs. All he wants to do is “bridge the gap.”
Played by: Michael E. Bell
Claudia McKinley
Role: Recent intake of the IHPA
Association: US Army (before retirement)
Type: Lycanthrope
Bio: Claudia is a retired US military person struggling with her new life after experiencing life changing events while deployed in the Middle East (before/during/after The Event is unknown), as seen in the video “IHPA Intake: Claudia McKinley“
Played by: Georgina Mercedes Black
Elaria of Neria
Role: CryptNet vlogger
Association: Unknown
Type: Merperson
Bio: Forced on land as a refugee and not by choice, Elaria left her undersea home of Neria. Not all hope is lost when she adapted to land and it’s people, making friends and trying to find love (hence her vlog). If only they accepted her as is, as seen in the video “Elaria the Nerian Vlog.“
Played by: Abie Ekenezar
Role: Informant
Association: Unknown
Type: Unknown (identifying as Human)
Bio: A conspiracy theorist blogger obsesed with trying to find the ‘true’ origin of In-Humans, and the organizations inolved with them. As seen in the video “The Paranormal Informer Vlog 01“
Played by: Stephen DeVore
Role: Criminal scene investigations detective
Association: IHPA
Type: Unknown (identifying as Human)
Bio: Det. Barker is a cop for the Department of Reform & Defense, primarily involved in in-human criminal scene investigations, and has a problem pushing the wrong buttons on his phone that records without noticing. As seen in the video “Detective Barker’s Clumsy Fingers“
Dr. Donna Dross,
Role: General IH medical practitioner and surgeon
Association: IHPA
Type: Unknown (identifying as Human)
Bio: Dr. Dross is an IHPA medical specialist that has put out a call-to-action for other medical professionals in ‘normal’ society to heal all hominoid creatures and apply to the Department of Wellness & Inclusion. Her demeanor comes across as caring and emphatic, but also curious to IH biology – especially after witnessing a lycan transmography (aka werewolf transition) during what was thought to be a ‘normal’ human surgery procedure as seen in the video “Dr. Dross Vlog 01: We need Dr. YOU!“
Played by: Susan Echols-Orton
Metis (??)
Role: Presumably involved with IH criminal investigations
Association: IHPA
Type: Unknown
Bio: Mentioned by Det. Barker’s discussion with the DoR&D Chief as someone that needs to be aware of all IH investigations, no matter how trivial. As seen in the video “Detective Barker’s Clumsy Fingers“
Played by: ??